The brand-agnostic system uses best-in-class components and filters for every skid. Customer brand preferences can be easily accommodated. You can have it delivered with any modern control system such as DeltaV(r), Rockwell Automation (r), or another platform. Users can make their modifications. They aren't tied to any particular filter or component vendor or the automation and control systems.
"We are pleased to offer this benchtop version our multipurpose, single-use filtration system. It's extremely flexible. It can be used for multiple purposes, including sterile, depth, and virus filtration. Our customers, like all our single-use technologies, are co-designers. We work closely with them to adapt the system for their specific needs," Phil Sanders, Agilitech's Chief Innovation Officer Biotech.
The single-use system includes thoroughly sterilized single-use tubing sets with integrated sensors. This reduces contamination risk. There are also sterile-to-sterile connections between outlets and inlets to minimize contamination risk.
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